Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving is soon!!!

We are getting closer to Thanksgiving!!! Kursi has been learning all about Thanksgiving in her class. On Thursday she had her Thanksgiving lunch and got to be an indian!! She is also featured in a school picture book which will be auctioned off this weekend.

Bobby was in a play on Thursday. The 1st grade classes have been studying about indians and Bobby's class were the Inuit's!! He did a great job in his assembly (I'll post pics when I upload them)

Fall time is here and it has been unseasonably cold with temps only reaching in the 40's. I really hate the cold, especially the "wet" cold. But we still have our 10-0 Titans to cheer for!!!

Best wishes to all of you this week and I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving Holiday!!!
-The Whitley's

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Halloween (late)

Hey All,

Happy belated Halloween!! I hope everybody had a great time. We took the kids over to the park for the festival. They are saying there were about 3500 kids that were there!! it was a lot of fun and we got plenty of candy. Afterwards we went trick or treating to some homes around the area and had a great time.

When we were finished we had friends over for our annual Halloween Chili dinner. Tracey did a wonderful job as usual.

As fall is coming around it is getting so cold!! I have not become accustomed to the humid cold. It just chills the bones. Maybe in about 10 years I'll get used to it. All the leaves have turned colors and most have now fallen off so the kids will be busy raking up big piles of leaves.
Good by for now!!