Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Halloween (late)

Hey All,

Happy belated Halloween!! I hope everybody had a great time. We took the kids over to the park for the festival. They are saying there were about 3500 kids that were there!! it was a lot of fun and we got plenty of candy. Afterwards we went trick or treating to some homes around the area and had a great time.

When we were finished we had friends over for our annual Halloween Chili dinner. Tracey did a wonderful job as usual.

As fall is coming around it is getting so cold!! I have not become accustomed to the humid cold. It just chills the bones. Maybe in about 10 years I'll get used to it. All the leaves have turned colors and most have now fallen off so the kids will be busy raking up big piles of leaves.
Good by for now!!


Ryan said...

Hey Brent & Fam! My mom passed on your blog site to us. How fun to see your cute kids and everything you guys are up to! We're coming out to Utah for the family Christmas party. We have Bobby for the gift exchange--any ideas for a gift for him?

Miriam (Murdock) Higginbotham

Janalynn said...

I love the scary cheerleader, I'll have to keep that in mind maybe for next year!!